P. W:

"My surgery has made me a different person. I'm much more outgoing and feel much better about myself now."

I had cosmetic surgery because I didn't like the way I looked. I did it because I wanted to feel better about myself. And now I adore Dr. Perry. He's just like part of our family now. He's just wonderful. I've sent so many of my friends to him. I've sent members of my family to him. You forget he's a physician. You feel like he's part of the family. And his staff is just as good. You just feel like they're family members. They're just wonderful. I have nothing bad to say about any of them. And the results of my surgery are wonderful, too. I actually had another procedure done by another physician and you just can't compare that to what Dr. Perry did. It's the difference between night and day. My surgery has made me a different person. I'm much more outgoing and feel much better about myself now. I recommend Dr. Perry to everyone I see.





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