New Breast Augmentation Information:
FDA Approves Return of Silicone Breast Implants
Mentor and Inamed, the two major producers of breast implants, have been given approval by the FDA to market their silicone gel breast implants in the United States.
In the FDA's statement announcing the approval, Daniel Schultz, MD, the FDA Director, Center for Devices and Radiological Health stated that the FDA has "reviewed an extensive amount of data from clinical trials of women studied for up to four years, as well as a wealth of other information to determine the benefits and risks of these products. The extensive body of scientific evidence provides reasonable assurance of the benefits and risks of these devices."
Silicone breast implants are the most studied medical device in history. Now women in the US will have access to an implant that women in 60 countries around the world have. The FDA will continue to gather information about the safety and effectiveness of these implants.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons will also continue to offer their assistance to the conditions set forth by the FDA related to physician and patient education. One comprehensive example of this assistance is a joint Web site,, which offers objective and science based information regarding saline and silicone breast implants.
New Ultrasonic Liposuction Technology

Liposelection ® by VASER ® is a new advance in ultrasonic technology used for liposuction. The sound waves emitted by the system break up fatty tissue and allow it to be aspirated with less trauma to surrounding tissues. This technology is especially effective in areas that have tough, fibrous fatty tissue such as the chest and back. It can also be used in more delicate areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and neck.
To learn more you can visit Liposelection and Liposuction or Contact Us and make an appointment today.
New Breast Reduction Technique
Recent techniques of breast reduction have focused on minimizing the scars associated with this procedure. Depending on the size and shape of one's breast, these techniques can be used to significantly reduce the scarring that accompanies this operation.
New Blepharoplasty Techniques to Correct Lower Eyelid Puffiness
The past few years has seen significant improvements in correcting lower eyelid puffiness. The relocation of tissue in the lower eyelids, rather than the removal, has resulted in a more natural looking appearance. The tightening of the eyelid muscle has also minimized the chance of changing the shape of the lower eyelid which has been a "give away" in the past that someone has had cosmetic surgery of the eyes.
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