M. S :

"It’s not the most pleasant thing to have to go in and bare a portion of your body and be measured and photographed to get approval from the insurance. But Dr. Newsom and his staff put me at ease."

My surgery was a breast reduction. I was experiencing discomfort and back pain and I was tired of never being able to go braless ever in my life. My gynecologist recommended Dr. Newsom so I knew he was well respected by his peers. And from the first initial meeting, I found Dr. Newsom to be professional and caring. It’s not the most pleasant thing to have to go in and bare a portion of your body and be measured and photographed to get approval from the insurance. But Dr. Newsom and his staff put me at ease, let me know this is what they do, and that they knew exactly how I felt. They made an unpleasant situation as pleasant as it could possibly be. It’s been four years now and I’m a poster child for Dr. Newsom. Now I don’t have to wear underwire bras and harness and chinch myself like I used to. I’m freer to enjoy water sports, working out, getting on a treadmill without having to harness myself. He did fine work, beautiful work. Doctors have admired his work. So I tout Dr. Newsom and recommend him -- in fact I’ve just referred a colleague to him who’s been for her consultation.





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